Online Course
My course is six weeks long, and starts each year in February, May and September.
It’s highly interactive as I participate throughout the course with weekly live webinars and daily forum posts. This supports both understanding and the practical application of the course content which is presented in short videos each week.
I begin each course with a 10-day free trial to give everyone the opportunity to see if it’s a good step for them.
The course content is available in my books but it isn’t necessary to read them either before or during the course. By far the most complete and up-to-date information is found on the online course membership site.
It’s helpful to know that everyone is in a different starting place with this work. Some people do the course just once and they are off and running, with a completely new and vastly improved relationship with food. Others find the course difficult because it’s so different to anything they’ve come across before. They usually attend the course two or even three times before they can take it on board.
When anyone pays for the course after the free trial, the fee covers access to absolutely everything for one entire year. This way, everyone can go at their own pace.
I’m not that very hungry caterpillar I used to be.
I’ve come to a much more peaceful relationship with food. I can see the bigger picture now of how I’ve come here. Dieting for 25 years really messed up my brain and my relationship with food. I finally woke up to the fact that dieting doesn’t work.
Thanks to this amazing course I’m not feeling denied and am able to eat well and on occasion imperfectly without going off the rails.
I have not been overeating since I started this course.
I’m so happy about it all.
Things are going well for me right now… I am feeling a good amount of freedom and agency around food and eating at the moment. I am doing less overeating, but also less trying to be perfect.
This really made a shift for me. When I started the course, (my evening meal) was like a green light to continue eating til bedtime.
I genuinely have sorted out my overeating as a result of doing this course. It works, and I embrace it now as part of my everyday life.
I keep going over the lessons and I’m amazed at how much I progress each time I listen.
One thing I am sure of is that diets don’t work, and that is because I tried so many!
I love the simplicity of Gillian’s model.
Cake lasts an enormous amount of time in this household these days.
The good news is that I have been able to change my brain, and with it, my behaviors around food.
I can hand on heart say that I am so glad to have found Gillian’s work. It was helped me a lot.
I truly believe this stopped me from going back to a binge eating disorder, and also unhealthy and stressful dieting.